Ilya Sutskever, Google AI
Oriol Vinyals, Google AI
Quoc V. Le, Google AI
Jeff Dean, Google AI
Geoffrey Hinton, Google Brain
Nando de Freitas - DeepMind, University of Oxford
Raia Hadsell - DeepMind
Demis Hassabis, DeepMind
Alex Graves - DeepMind
Karen Simonyan - DeepMind
Fei-Fei Li, Stanford University
Percy Liang - Stanford University
Daphne Koller - insitro, Stanford University
Chris Manning - Stanford University
Chelsea Finn - Stanford University, Google Brain
Andrew Ng - Stanford University,, Landing AI
Greg Brockman - OpenAI
Ian Goodfellow - OpenAI (Formerly at Google Brain)
Pieter Abbeel - OpenAI, UC Berkeley
Yann LeCun, Facebook AI Research
Kaiming He - Facebook AI
Jitendra Malik - Facebook AI, UC Berkeley
Tomas Mikolov - Facebook AI
Léon Bottou - Facebook AIYann LeCun, Facebook AI Research
Kaiming He - Facebook AI
Jitendra Malik - Facebook AI, UC Berkeley
Tomas Mikolov - Facebook AI
Léon Bottou - Facebook AI
Ruslan Salakhutdinov - Apple, Carnegie Mellon University
Samy Bengio - Apple (Formerly at Google Brain)
Juergen Schmidhuber - Swiss AI Lab IDSIA, NNAISENSE
Anima Anandkumar - NVIDIA, Caltech
Hinton LeCun - MILA, University of Montreal
Li Deng - Citadel Securities, University of Washington
Richard Socher - Salesforce,
Yarin Gal - University of Oxford
Aaron Courville - MILA, University of Montreal
Yoshua Bengio - MILA, University of Montreal
Bengio LeCun - MILA, University of Montreal
Amnon Shashua - Mobileye, Hebrew University
Doina Precup - DeepMind, McGill University
Sanja Fidler - NVIDIA, University of Toronto
Sergey Levine - UC Berkeley, Google Brain
Quoc Le - Google Brain
Regina Barzilay - MIT
Eric Horvitz - Microsoft Research
Martial Hebert - Carnegie Mellon University
James Manyika - McKinsey Global Institute
Yoshua LeCun - MILA, University of Montreal
Andrew Zisserman - DeepMind, University of Oxford
Devi Parikh - Facebook AI, Georgia Institute of Technology
Alyosha Efros - UC Berkeley
Michael Jordan - UC Berkeley
Oren Etzioni - Allen Institute for AI
Manuela Veloso - J.P. Morgan AI Research, Carnegie Mellon University
Noah Smith - University of Washington
A Partial list of Leading AI Experts
Updated: Jul 31, 2023